The Jerusalem Post

Q. What goes from zero to 22 million in 45 years? A. Shenzhen, China

 Going local in the Dongmen district of Shenzhen (photo credit: @MarkDavidPod   )
Going local in the Dongmen district of Shenzhen
(photo credit: @MarkDavidPod )

The Jerusalem Post Podcast - Travel Edition, Episode 88.

Shenzhen is the remarkable embarkation point for Mark and David's Chinese odyssey. The city has strong links with Israel, particularly in the world of technology. By 2035, transport chiefs say there'll be drone helicopters ferrying passengers above the city's burgeoning skyscrapers. Join the boys on this special voyage of discovery.

This time:

  • The big picture in a record-breaking city
  • Underground, overground - a transportation miracle
  • On top of the world, overlooking Hong Kong too
  • Electric vehicles, autonomous taxis and more with BYD
  • Where to go, what to do
  • 40 years of reforms and opening up in China
  • From household waste to energy
  • Crazy fun, Chinese style - from live streaming to noodle slurping
  • Important tips for travelers to China
You'll find every type of Chinese food in the Dongmen district of Shenzhen (Credit: @MarkDavidPod)
You'll find every type of Chinese food in the Dongmen district of Shenzhen (Credit: @MarkDavidPod)

Mark and David host The Jerusalem Post Podcast – Travel Edition. They were the guests of The Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC)


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IMPORTANT PODCAST UPDATE: The Jerusalem Post Podcast Travel Edition now has its own separate podcast feed. Please subscribe today to be first to receive each new episode. 
