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 Exercise can significantly improve your heart health, even if you only do it on the weekend

Weekend sports enthusiast? Your heart may be healthier than most

By Walla!
Residents in Jerusalem walk through the city (illustrative).

Could walking extend your lifespan? - study

lifting weights at the gym

Buying exercise clothes online can harm women's body image - study

 Illustrative image of a woman exercising.

A few minutes of exercise a day can reduce risk of cancer - study

 Mandy Kaling

The transformation of Mindy Kaling, 'The Office' star who lost 20 kg

By Walla!
 SUNSET TIME: Using artificial lighting, not from sunlight, has enabled us to stay up later and wake up earlier.

Sleep is paramount for wellness - opinion


Protecting your heart: 5 small changes to be healthier

By Prof. Yehuda Adler/Walla!
 A couple in bed together, sex (Illustrative)

This exercise can help men last 2 minutes longer during sex

 Illustrative image of a woman sleeping by a window.

Sleep is as essential for brain health as exercise

 Home Front Command soldiers take part in the IDF's "Firm Hand" drill.

What will happen in Israel if the IDF strikes Iran?

By Amir Bohbot/Walla!
 Try to solve this exercise.

Only 10% of people found the answer: Move two matches to solve this equation

 Chai Lifeline’s Tour de Simcha fundraising bike ride

Regular aerobic exercise can help prevent type-2 diabetes - study

 Move only one match to solve this exercise

Can you solve this puzzle? You can only move one piece

 Rooftop Yoga at Carlton Hotel

Rooftop Yoga with the best view of Tel Aviv

 CENTCOM Commander Michael Kurilla sits at situation assessment with IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi

CENTCOM commander visits Israel amid large-scale IDF drill