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haredim women

 Haredi woman in Mea Shearim, Jerusalem, March 25, 2024.

'Speak quietly': Ashdod rabbis call for restrictive rules for women on public transport

Turbo Digital Founder and CEO Shulamit Segal-Zlotsky.

Amid global turbulence, Shulamit Segal-Zlotsky is revolutionizing fundraising for NGOs

By Ronnie Rosenman
IDF female combat soldiers.

Support for female combat soldiers dependent on sector, study finds

Ultra orthodox Jewish men who decided to join in the IDF following the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas arrive at the IDF recruiting offices in Tel Hashomer, near Tel Aviv, October 23, 2023.

Haredim are willing to contribute to society, but not at the expense of their identity - opinion

 Ultra Orthodox girls go to their haredi school "Mishkenot Da'at" which is located on the premises of the secular "Language and Cultures" school, in Beit Shemesh, on September 8, 2014.

Haredi girls lead the achievements of girls in Israel in mathematics, reading

By Uri Sela/Walla
Haredi volunteers have shown up in their own way to be part of the war efforts against the Hamas terror organization

Thousands of haredi volunteers rally to aid Israel amidst conflict with Hamas

 Jews pray while activists protest against gender segregation in the public space during a public prayer on Dizengoff Square in Tel Aviv, on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, and the holiest of Jewish holidays, September 25, 2023.

Israel must heed A-G on gender segregation, interior minister says

 PROTESTERS DEMONSTRATE in Bnei Brak against the discrimination and exclusion of women, last week. ‘Stop wasting time on Bnei Brak,’ says the writer. ‘Look for those places where women are objectified, belittled, and betrayed.’

Gender segregation in Bnei Brak is a good thing - opinion

 A rendering of what the project will look like once completed.

JCT aims to build largest college campus in Israel for religious women

 Illustrative image of boxes of hair dye.

Israeli pharmacy returns images of women's faces to products in Bnei Brak

 Lighting Shabbat candles.

Chochmat Nashim: Making Israel's Orthodox women visible again

 BNOT YERUSHALAYIM: New state option for haredi girls.

Is this Jerusalem's most sought-after school?

 PRESIDENT ISAAC HERZOG with Magen David Adom paramedic Fadi Dekidek.

Grapevine February 1, 2023: A clenched fist

 THE WRITER speaks about child sexual abuse prevention, at an Amudim gathering in Hashmonaim.

Israel could make haredi seminary girls unlicensed, untrained therapists - opinion