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holocaust memorial day

 PRESIDENT ISAAC Herzog walks with Polish President Andrzej Duda and German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier at the Monument to the Ghetto Heroes, in Warsaw, last Wednesday

A day not only an act of remembrance, but a remembrance to act - opinion

 A SCENE from Giuseppe Piccioni's 'The Shadow of the Day.'

New Italian film about love in fascist Italy, shows the complex lives of Italian Jews and gentiles

 A CANDLE is lit and a flower is placed on the railway tracks at Birkenau, on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, last year.

Rabbi Wasserman at the Verge of the Holocaust: I will Share the Fate of My Students

By Mark Fish
 Opposition leader Yair Lapid speaks at a Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony in Yad Mordechai, April 17, 2023.

Lapid at Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony: We cannot trust anyone but ourselves

 Current U.S Ambassador Thomas R. Neidas with former ambassador David Friedman

'There's no daylight between Democrats and Republicans when it comes to combating antisemitism'

 Haim Taib

Entrepreneur Haim Taib will light the torch for the Jews of Muslim countries for the first time

Eitan Neishlos with Michal and Isaac Herzog

Eitan Neishlos speaks at President’s Residence as part of Zikaron BaSalon commemoration

 Jerusalem Border Police pose for a photo with their adopted Holocaust survivor, Ezekiel

Jerusalem's Border Police 'adopt' Holocaust survivors

FORMER US secretary of state Hillary Clinton speaks about including women in the peace process in Afghanistan, at UN Headquarters in New York in March 2020.

Holocaust doc produced by Hillary and Chelsea Clinton to air on PBS

 The first March of the Living in 1988

The International March of the Living's 35th anniversary - interview

Israeli play explains the Holocaust through the eyes of a puppy

 THE GATE to Auschwitz, photographed in January 2021, 76 years after the camp’s liberation: There are still countless Jews who say about the Shoah, ‘If this could happen, how can anyone still believe in God?’

Before and after Auschwitz: the legacy left behind - opinion

 MARCHERS WRAPPED in Israeli flags attend the annual March of the Living at the former Auschwitz II-Birkenau death camp, near Oswiecim, Poland.

The risk of forgetting the Holocaust has never been greater - opinion

 A CANDLE is lit and a flower is placed on the railway tracks at Birkenau, on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, last year.

German anti-discrimination official under fire for omitting Jews on Holocaust Remembrance

 Secretary General Antonio Guterres and Yad Vashem Chairman Dani Dayan inaugurate the Book of Names at UN headquarters in NYC.

United Nations Headquarters unveils exhibit listing millions of Holocaust victims