The Jerusalem Post

Teenager tragically dies after consuming a single spicy chip in viral challenge

  (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

This challenge isn't new. Each year, the company spices it up with different hot peppers. So, what happened?

A 14-year-old boy from Massachusetts, met a tragic end mere hours after daring to partake in a peculiar culinary challenge—one potato chip, seasoned with a blend of two of the world's spiciest peppers: the Carolina Reaper and the Naga Viper.

Branded as the "One Chip Challenge," this solitary chip arrives concealed within a coffin-shaped box adorned with a menacing red skull. The packaging is accompanied by a series of cautionary statements, explicitly advising pregnant women and individuals with medical conditions to steer clear of this fiery snack.

Harris Wolobah, a seemingly healthy teenager with no underlying medical issues, embarked on this fateful venture. Following his consumption of the fiery chip, young Wolobah soon found himself in the school nurse's office, complaining of severe stomach pains. Tragically, within a few hours of being sent home, he lost consciousness and ceased breathing.

Despite the valiant efforts of paramedics and specialized medical personnel, his life could not be saved.


Extreme Sport or Edible Experiment?

While the precise cause of Harris's untimely demise remains pending confirmation by autopsy results, his mother, Lois Wolobah, is fervently advocating for the removal of this product from store shelves. In her own words, she implored, "I just want there to be awareness for parents to know that it's not safe," as she spoke to The New York Times.

The One Chip Challenge appears more akin to an extreme sport than a mere culinary diversion—a test of endurance where participants strive to endure the searing sensation for as long as possible. Each year, the company introduces a revamped version of the challenge, incorporating ingredients sourced from a medley of peppers boasting an exceptionally high spiciness quotient.

The circumstances surrounding Wolobah's tragic complications, potentially stemming from the One Chip Challenge, remain shrouded in uncertainty. Nevertheless, the manufacturer has issued a statement extending their condolences, and Global News reported that the product was withdrawn from store shelves across the United States in light of this heart-wrenching incident.

This experience brings to mind the story of Thais Medeiros, a Brazilian woman who went into a coma for several days after smelling a hot chili pepper.

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The unfortunate incident unfolded in February, while the 25-year-old was assisting her boyfriend in preparing dinner for his parents in Annapolis. The calamity struck when Medeiros encountered a pepper known as the goat—a local hot chili pepper variety boasting a Scoville rating (a measure of pepper heat) ranging from 15,000 to 30,000.

To put this into perspective, the world's hottest pepper—the Carolina Reaper—registers a staggering 2 million Scoville units.

